Kamis, 11 April 2013

You (Angel)

You're like an angel coming down from paradise for me...

I knew I was not manly to talk about it, love. I'm not want it too lengthy, I don't know. You hypnotized me and put into my body organ system was paralyzed by  your smile, your eyes Decoy, your subtle body, your hair fragrant, and your smart brain.

Cinta kagak perlu diungkapin pake kata-kata bukan?
Kalo kita berhasil maknain itu cinta, berarti
Klo kata Cody Simpson 1-4-3.

I never felt in love before, but fell in love with the neighbourhoods. I'm just a child who doesn't know what love is, but once when my eyes look into your eyes, hati gue berdetak sangat cepat bahkan gue bisa denger itu Swag. Kok gue jd alay -_-

Oke deh, sekian deh postingan tentang Gladys Gladiera Queen. Ntar gue masukin fotonya haha =D

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